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62 Easy Ways For Your Business To Appeal To Families And Children

And increase revenue while you’re at it

Jessica Delfino
8 min readApr 5, 2019
image by Mike Petrucci / Unsplash

Based on my story from yesterday, Dear Businesses: Here Are Some Reasons You Might Make More Of An Effort To Embrace Families + Kids, I have decided to write a list of simple ways to make businesses more accessible to kids and families for those who are interested in doing so.

Maybe that’s not you and that’s cool, I get it! I’ll still shop at your store, maybe, probably, but I won’t be able to do so with as much ease, or as often.

Just today, I was in a bookstore with my child. The bookstore has a kid’s section. It’s incredible!

But the tables in the other parts of the store have sharp corners that are exactly at a child’s eye height.

My son walked into one and got a big bruise on his cheek. Too bad for him? Sure. Easy to fix so it’ll never happen again? You betcha. The solution would cost about $10.

A quick note about accidents: If something has happened to you, it’s fair to assume it’s also happened to others. I’m willing to bet a shiny Ben Franklin that other kids have walked into the sharp corners of that table. That’s why foam corners exist.



Jessica Delfino
Jessica Delfino

Written by Jessica Delfino

I write about life with 1 husband, 2 kids, 1 cat, sometimes funny. Bylines: TheNew Yorker, The NY Times, The Atlantic, McSweeney’s.

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