This Mushroom And Pear Salad Will Send Your Qi Through The Goddamn Roof

Jessica Delfino
4 min readNov 18, 2017

I don’t offer recipes on my blog, as a rule. It’s not that I hate cooking or eating, I’m Italian, and so it’s the law that I love both too much. But I stumbled upon this recipe and it looked good. Not only did it read as delicious and healthy but it had something else attached to it that got my attention that many other recipes don’t generally talk about: it promised dope levels of qi upage.

Well, what the hell is qi?, I asked myself. Is sounds like something I should have more of in my life, like açaí or other things I also can’t pronounce. It’s probably good for me, it sounds like it doesn’t come from here — like chia seeds or yoga, it comes from somewhere far away where they do everything better and show us how much we suck just by living how they live, whoever “they” are.

I’m not going to get too crazy into what qi is, but I will say it’s pronounced chee (like the first part of cheese…mmm, cheese) and it means your life force, life energy, life gas. I don’t know about you but as a tired ass mom, I feel like I could always use a little more life gas in the ol’ tankerino. I’m running on E all the time, especially around 4 pm when I’m basically a walking scarecrow.

You know what I hate? I hate when I go to a blog page to see a recipe and the person wrote a whole frickin chapter about their opinion on the recipe. I’m always like, fer Chrissakes, just give me the damn recipe, you verbose twat. Now I’m being that verbose twat. The truth is, recipes are simply currency or bribery to get you all to be our therapists for a few short minutes and read our delicious drivel. Mmmm, drivel. So without further ado, here’s that recipe I mentioned like 14 pages ago and below is more info about qi and food. Full disclosure, the recipe doesn’t mention qi at all but it includes ingredients that supposedly up your qi, mushroom and pear.

I found a snippet on a TCM website (traditional Chinese medicine) that talks about how pear and mushrooms are good as hell for your qi, though I can’t remember which one, but it is super interesting and might make your life better. So there. I googled some of the passage below and this came up. Maybe that’s the website but I can’t be sure. Enjoy your journey into qi-ville and if you make that salad, post pictures in the comments like a weirdo, PLEASE and THANK YOU.

And if you like this post, you know what to do, don’t make me beg, ok fine I will beg. Please share it with a friend and follow along. Thank you!


Traditional Chinese Medicine suggestions for fall diet: Autumn

Autumn foods: pineapple, pear and white fungus

Things begin to fall and mature in autumn. Autumn correlates with the lung system, which dominates the skin, respiration, body fluids metabolism, blood circulation, immunity and melancholy emotion. Everything needs to turn inwards so as to prepare for the harsh winter. Foods are important to ensure that the body adjusts to the changing seasons. The dry weather usually causes an itchy throat, a dry nose, chapped lips, rough skin, hair loss and dry stools. We need to eat to promote the production of body fluids and their lubricating effects throughout the body. Beneficial foods for this are lily bulb, white fungus, nuts or seeds, pear, lotus root, pumpkin, honey, soy milk and dairy products. It is advisable to eat more food with sour flavors and reduce pungent flavors as such things like onion, ginger and peppers induce perspiration, while sour foods like pineapple, apple, grapefruit and lemon have astringent properties and thus prevent the loss of body fluids. The body needs extra fluids to counteract the dry environment, and it is a Chinese tradition to eat porridge for breakfast and soup for dinner that is made with the above ingredients.



Jessica Delfino

I write about life with 1 husband, 2 kids, 1 cat, sometimes funny. Bylines: TheNew Yorker, The NY Times, The Atlantic, McSweeney’s.